There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and it only takes a few of those seconds to change your life forever. Take some time to refresh your memory on how to swim out of your seat belt and the general importance of wearing your seat belt.
Type: Video
Length: 3:14
Publication Date: February 2024
Agencies: VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program
Superman has the Justice League. Batman has Robin. Who do you call when you need a friend? Use this poster to...
Superman has the Justice League. Batman has Robin. Who do you call when you need a friend? Use this poster to keep in mind that you need to be kind to yourself, take a break sometimes, and know that it’s okay to need a friend.
Chief Will Balling (retired) describes his journey and identifies four areas that are important for...
Chief Will Balling (retired) describes his journey and identifies four areas that are important for maintaining healthy habits throughout a law enforcement career.
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