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Mental Wellness

It is not enough for you to just get home safe—you also must return home well. In this profession, stress and trauma are an inherent part of the job. Not actively managing the effects of stress can negatively affect your ability to protect yourself and others and create a poor quality of life off-duty. This Spotlight on Safety helps you identify when the negative effects of stress and trauma are affecting you and others at your agency and gives you tools to deal with them. Use these materials to keep health and wellness at the forefront daily!

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Law enforcement officers and leaders: Your ability to stay safe and healthy is paramount! The VALOR Spotlight on Safety series centers on the four leading killers of law enforcement,1 to best help you prepare for the greatest challenges you may face. By highlighting physical health, vehicle safety, mental wellness, and tactical safety, VALOR can equip you with tools to protect yourself and others on your watch.

Each VALOR Spotlight on Safety campaign contains research-based articles written by law enforcement experts, related publications, eLearning, visor cards for quick reference, and more that you can use for roll calls, in-service training, or self-directed learning. These materials are added to the Spotlight on Safety page throughout the series. Look for new item announcements on social media and then use the printable posters and smartphone wallpapers as daily reminders and to motivate yourself and others.

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Look for the hashtag #SpotlightOnSafety on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to easily share/retweet resources with fellow officers.


1 (Causes of Law Enforcement Deaths, n.d.)(Ruderman Family Foundation).