Success Stories

The VALOR Program takes officer safety and wellness seriously because we understand the sacrifice that law enforcement officers and their families make every day to ensure the safety of citizens across the country. Our hope is that the VALOR Program plays a part in law enforcement officers everywhere working to be as mentally and physically prepared for duty as possible, in order to return home safely at the end of every shift. Our VALOR success stories recognize the officers who have used the VALOR Program's training and resources to better themselves and their agencies.

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Commander Pat Long, Thornton, Colorado, Police Department

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Officer Roselyn Norment, United States Park Police

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Officer Jeffrey Jones, Baltimore City School Police

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Officer Mason Runge, Florida State University Police Department

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Captain Walt Everton,
Hot Springs, Arkansas, Police Department



Signed dollar bill

I had the opportunity to speak with a large number of attendees over the past 2.5 days...

Photo of Officers

Because of this VALOR supplemental Casualty Care training, our personnel will begin...

Message Testimonial

For the longest time I have been talking about getting back in shape. Night shift, busy...

Email Testimonial

I must tell you that I was fixated on every word and power point unlike any other training...

Wear your vest today poster on bulletin board

VALOR in the Field: East Hartford Police Department’s bulletin board features a VALOR vest wear poster.

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"I had the opportunity to speak with a large number of attendees over the past 2.5 days but one stood out.
Yesterday afternoon as she was leaving the class she challenged me by saying that there was no way we could maintain the high level of training that we were providing for one more day. I joking bet her $1.00 that we would continue to impress here to the end of the class specifically mentioning Wayne Nero.
After finishing my presentation and the conclusion piece I moved quickly to get things put away due to the fact that I had an early flight out of Harrisburg. When I finally reached my laptop computer, which was sitting on our reserved table at the back of the class, I found a One Dollar Bill (signed by the participant) and her business card sitting on top of my computer. I took a picture of the dollar bill and business card and attached that photo to this email. I am also going to frame it and bring it with me to Tallahasssee in July and hopefully you will hang it in a place of honor in the office."

Well Done Team!!!
Chief John Bouthilette (retired)

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"Because of this VALOR supplemental Casualty Care training, our personnel will begin carrying tourniquets. As soon as they are delivered, the tourniquets will be issued to nearly 150 of our employees. This VALOR supplemental training and the tourniquets will allow our personnel to possibly save their life, their partner’s, a civilian’s or suspect’s life in a critical situation. There is a good chance that our personnel will more than likely use the training and equipment to save a relative’s or loved one’s life or a vehicular crash victim’s life due to the fact that we live in a very safe community and many of our parish’s residents live in remote areas that could take EMS at least 15-20 minutes to arrive at a scene." – Lieutenant Eric Becnel, Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office

CCT officers putting on tourniquet LAPD CCT officers putting on tourniquet LAPD CCT officers putting on tourniquet LAPD
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For the longest time I have been talking about getting back in shape. Night shift, busy with kids, you name it. When the instructors talked about being there for our families. I decided that was it, no more excuses. Today I took my first step towards getting back in shape not only for myself, but for my wife and kids as well.
—Jacksonville, Arkansas

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I must tell you that I was fixated on every word and power point unlike any other training I've ever attended. I, Sir, on that day, "changed" in some way. I took away that "change" and I apply it in my personal training of young or new Police Officers as well as making myself a better Police Officer.

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VALOR in the Field: East Hartford Police Department’s bulletin board features a VALOR vest wear poster.

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